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PSHE & RSHE Curriculum Overview

At Sulhamstead & Ufton Nervet Primary School, we have recently updated our Scheme of Work for PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education). We use teaching resources by Kapow, and complement these with many quality online resources. This approach, we feel, best suits our learners and as such, will gradually replace those that we have used previously.

Our aims for PSHE remain, with a strong focus on preparing all our young citizens to live in modern Britain. This preparation is taught through the following key strands across the school:

  • Family and Relationships
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Safety and the Changing Body
  • Citizenship
  • Economic Wellbeing
  • Identity (Year 6)

The progression of skills and knowledge across the school, can be seen in the attached document below.


Alongside our PSHE teaching and learning, we teach wellbeing to all our children. We aim to enable all children to have their own 'toolkit' of wellbeing strategies, that they can use independently as and when needed to improve and maintain good mental health. Children will learn the benefits of minfulness through a range of activities taught in school. Children will be encouraged to consider whether these activities help then to relax, reduce anxieties or calm their mind and body.  Simple activites such as guided meditation, running, reading for enjoyment, doodling, colouring, finger knitting and gardening to name but a few, will be taught for their potential wellbeing benefits.

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