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Open Days 2024

For children starting reception in September 2025, we are offering school tours from 10.00am on the dates below.  Join us for a walk around the school to meet the children and staff and then a presentation by our Headteacher in the school hall after.

To apply for a place on the tour please complete the link  https://forms.office.com/e/KcHqjf9bsL

Friday 10th January 2025  09.30am

Friday 22nd November 10.00am

Saturday 16th November 10.00am

Thursday 14th November 10.00am

Saturday 12th October 10.00am

Thursday 10th October 10.00am

Applications will need to be submitted to West Berkshire Council by 15th January 2025

Please see the link below from West Berkshire Council which is a complete guide to admissions, giving information about how to make an application, waiting lists, catchment areas and how places are offered.



Open Day Information

Here is the information shared with parents at Open Days in 2024.

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