Collective Worship at S.U.N
Our Collective Worship happens daily, and we enjoy our inspirational, inclusive and invitational time spent as a whole school. Each day has a different focus, and is led by a variety of staff, visitors and/or children.
Whole Class Assemblies
Mrs Whitaker leads our whole school assembly on a Monday and this is a time to reflect upon our school Vision, Values and Learning Behaviours and how they look in our wonderful school.
Singing Assemblies
Canon John and Mrs Hodgson lead our singing assemblies and we learn a range of hymns and songs that are linked to our School Values, or that celebrate particular times of the year, for example Christmas, Mother's Day or Easter.
Canon John Worship
Each week, Canon John Paton visits us in school to lead Collective Worship.
Key Stage Assemblies
Each week, the children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 lead and present an assembly. This might be on a specific story, religious festival, world religion or perhaps a special day, such as World Book Day, or Wold Oceans Day, which may highlight issues from around the world.
Friday Assemblies
On a Friday, we all get together for collective worship with a theme based upon what might be going on in the world at different times. We also celebrate our successes as our House Captains announce the number of house points each house has gained. All our teachers have a chance to take Friday worship.